Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Connecticut Cabela's

Over the weekend we were fortunate to host two very successful awareness workshops at the Cabela's in East Hartford.  The participants ranged from a family of campers that felt they practiced the concept of Leave No Trace, although they were never formally introduced to the Leave No Trace skills and ethics, to a crew of boy scouts that always work hard to leave no trace.  During the workshops we reviewed the seven principles of Leave No Trace and then played a variety of games and activities that everyone seemed to enjoy.  Many of the folks were interested in the results of the game "How Long Does It Last?"  In this game, the participants must determine how long the item they have been given takes to biodegrade by silently  arranging themselves in order from quickest amount of time to longest.  When asked which item was most surprising, one child commented that he was surprised that cigarette butts take 2-5 years.  It is all too common to see cigarette butts on the ground.  This reinforces why it is so very important to "Trash Your Trash," rather than just throwing it on the ground.
Safe Travels...Tracy and Kate, etour 2008

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